Know the Activist - Laureen Chew

Maintaining Vigor for Sustained Change in Asian American Issues

Reflecting back on her activism to fight for ethnic studies at her university more than 50 years ago, Laureen Chew talks about what we can learn and where we still need to go:

In response to the question, “What can Asian Americans do to Make Noise Today?”

“This culture reacts to “in your face” behavior. Nothing too subtle. If you don’t come out swinging, with a bang, especially about racism, you tend to be ignored and rendered invisible. …

Being aware is an important first step, then figuring out what to do with that comes next. …

My advice to Asian Americans is to say something when you are justifiably upset. Make it an issue so you can be heard. The caveat is that you may be labeled as difficult or a troublemaker. You can’t worry about that, especially if it’s unfair, wrong, if you are being repeatedly targeted, etc. When I think I should say something, I usually run it by a colleague I trust. If there is an inkling the person agrees, I know I need to deal with it.

Sometimes, whomever you confront isn’t even aware of your issues. So by speaking up, the first step is achieved — now he/she knows. The ball is in your court to help solve the situation. The outcome doesn’t always go your way — whatever you learn and achieve with the first steps gives you confidence to move forward. The steps forward are all there for you to learn from. It’s those first steps taken and your reflection on its success, as well as how to improve on it, that is key to being heard.”

Click the button below to read Laureen’s full interview on Medium —


Know the Activist - Kinsale Hueston