Chapter 5
Counter Stories
New stories deliberately constructed to challenge stock stories
Critique and resist stock stories
Build on and amplify resistance stories to interrupt the status quo
Work for change
Enable new possibilities
Chapter 5: Overview
Main Objectives:
Students learn how to create new stories about possibilities for human community where differences are valued
Guiding Questions:
Building on resistance stories, how can we create new stories about possibilities for human community where differences are valued?
What kinds of communities based on justice can we imagine and then work to embody?
What kinds of stories can raise our consciousness and support our ability to speak out and act where instances of racism occur?
Chapter 5: Lesson 1
Drawing On Our Dreams
Learning Outcomes:
Students use critical analysis and cause and effect logical thinking to determine shortand long term goals for their projects
Students think about different levels of their ideal world: what do they want to happen eventually and what can happen now to move things in that direction?
Lesson Outline:
Students identify an issue they care about related to racial injustice
Students imagine society with racial justice and consider what that would look like
Students represent their vision of the present and future with words and images
In small groups, students plan goals for their campaigns that move them from the current reality to the future they imagine